Transpersonal Psychotherapy


Transpersonal Psychotherapy *

Transpersonal Psychotherapy with Chantel Ames, where the essence of the human experience transcends the boundaries of self.

As a psychotherapist, I find immense value in incorporating transpersonal approaches, tapping into altered states of consciousness, and fostering mindfulness. My interest extends beyond the traditional confines of individual psychology, reaching into the transpersonal, where the essence of human experience transcends the boundaries of the self.

Benefits: One of the key benefits of transpersonal psychotherapy lies in its ability to guide individuals through non- ordinary states (NOSC) of consciousness. By exploring these realms, we unearth profound insights and access dimensions of the self that are often overlooked in conventional therapy. Non-ordinary states of consciousness / altered states provide a gateway to the deeper layers of the psyche, offering a unique opportunity for self-discovery and transformation.

Altered and NOSC: In my role as a transpersonal therapist, I recognize the diverse ways individuals can explore altered and non-ordinary states of consciousness. Tailoring my therapeutic approach to your unique needs and preferences, I incorporate various techniques to facilitate entry into and exploration of non-ordinary states. They include:

  • Meditation and Visualization: Integrating meditation and guided visualization exercises fosters a heightened state of consciousness. These practices encourage clients to go beyond the surface of their thoughts, delving into the depths of their imagination and inner world, unlocking insights and imagery that may hold significant personal meaning.

  • Art and Expressive Therapies: Encouraging creative expression through art, writing, or other forms of creativity provides an avenue for accessing altered states. The act of creation often bypasses the analytical mind, allowing deeper emotions and insights to surface.

  • Rituals and Ceremony: Incorporating sacred rituals or ceremonial practices can evoke altered states by creating a symbolic and intentional space. These rituals may include the use of ceremonial objects, chants, or specific movements that hold personal or cultural significance.

    Click KAP: Self-Agency Through Intention, Titration, and Ceremony to listen to a podcast of Dr. Jennifer Montjoy produced by Psychedelics Today.

  • Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: Acknowledging the evolving landscape of psychotherapy, I explore the integration of psychedelic-assisted therapy where legally and ethically appropriate. Under controlled and supervised settings, substances like ketamine may be used to facilitate therapeutic breakthroughs, allowing clients to explore altered states with enhanced introspection and emotional release. * Ketamine is an FDA-approved medication that can be prescribed off label for mental health purposes.

    Click Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity to learn how psychedelics promote growth and adaptation. Click Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy to learn specifics about this modality.

Mindfulness, a cornerstone of transpersonal psychotherapy, serves as a powerful tool in navigating these altered states. In the therapeutic process, I guide clients to embrace mindfulness as a means of cultivating a deeper connection with their inner selves. Together, we explore the richness of the present moment, acknowledging thoughts and sensations without judgment. This process not only enhances self-awareness but also provides a foundation for integrating transformative experiences that may arise in altered and non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Summary: Transpersonal psychotherapy recognizes that each individual's journey is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. By incorporating altered states and mindfulness, I aim to create a therapeutic space where clients can explore the expansive landscapes of their consciousness. This approach encourages a holistic understanding of the self, acknowledging the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

As a transpersonal therapist, I believe that the integration of altered states and mindfulness offers a profound avenue for healing and self-discovery. By embarking on this transformative journey with my clients, we open doors to new perspectives, unlocking the potential for profound personal growth and a more profound connection with the essence of being. Together, we navigate the depths of consciousness, embracing the richness of the human experience in all its facets.

Curious if Transpersonal Psychotherapy can help you, click the button below to schedule a free 15 min. virtual consultation.