EMDR Intensives with Chantel Ames

Who Can Benefit from EMDR Intensives?

My EMDR Intensives cater to individuals who:

  • Are seeking faster results and accelerated healing within a shorter time frame.

  • Have limited availability for weekly therapy sessions due to busy schedules or commitments.

  • Are coping with recent trauma and in need of immediate support.

  • Want to focus their therapeutic work on specific issues or traumas in-depth.

  • Are ready to take a proactive step towards reclaiming their emotional well-being and living their most abundant life.

What is EMDR Intensive Therapy?

EMDR Intensive Therapy isn't just therapy—it's a journey toward profound healing and transformation. Imagine a space where your past no longer holds you captive, where painful memories lose their grip, and where you emerge stronger, freer, and more resilient than ever before. And, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Benefits of EMDR Intensives Over Traditional Therapy

Why choose EMDR Intensives? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Rapid Relief: Say goodbye to years of endless therapy sessions. With EMDR Intensives, you'll experience meaningful progress in a fraction of the time, providing you an opportunity to reclaim your life and embrace a brighter tomorrow sooner than you ever thought possible.

  • Tailored Support: Your journey is unique, and so is your treatment. With EMDR Intensives, you'll receive personalized care and unwavering support every step of the way, ensuring that you feel seen, heard, and understood as you embark on this life-changing journey towards reclaiming a fulfilling life.

  • Empowerment: EMDR Intensives aren't just about healing—they're about empowerment. Through this transformative process, you'll discover newfound strength, resilience, and self-awareness, equipping you with the tools you need to navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence.

  • Deep, Lasting Healing: EMDR doesn't just treat symptoms—it heals wounds at their core. By tapping into your brain's natural healing abilities, EMDR Intensives can provide you with opportunity to live your life with newfound ease, resilience, and purpose.

How Do EMDR Intensives Work?

EMDR Intensives offer you uninterrupted, focused, and immersive therapy sessions designed to accelerate your healing journey. Unlike traditional therapy sessions that are spread out over weeks or months, my intensives condense the therapeutic process into 3-4 days of concentrated work. During this time, we'll work closely together to address various challenges, from recent traumas to lingering past experiences, stress, anxiety, and more.

I provide a range of treatment options for EMDR intensives. I offer a one day, three day, and five day option.  Each scheduled session is 3 hrs.

  • One day intensives are appropriate if you have prior experience with EMDR and wish to work on a specific issue or stuck point that is causing distress.

  • Three day intensives are helpful for specific issues that are more complex, such as painful ending to an important relationship or loss of a job.

  • Five day intensives help facilitate closure and healing for traumas that are more pervasive such as harrowing experiences in childhood that involve abuse or neglect.

Note: Intensives are not covered by insurance at this time. If you have a Health Savings Account (HSA), check with your health insurance to see if it can help cover the costs of an intensive. Rates are $495/ 3hr session.

Interested in Experience the Healing andTransformative Power of EMDR Intensives

If you’re ready to rewrite your story, break free from the past, and embrace a future filled with greater hope and possibility - take the first step on your journey toward healing and transformation today and tap the button below to schedule a free consultation.